Sunday, June 1, 2014

Biodiversity Preserved

I am a huge advocate for biodiversity. I believe our planet's greatest strength can be found in the range of life that is found on its surface or below the waters. Healthy biodiversity increases the chance that biological life would continue after a significant natural cataclysm. We value diversity in our own DNA supply chain because it reduces the risk of succumbing to a deadly disease, birth defects, etc. The number of different species on this planet (bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, animals, and even viruses) can and should be considered a barometer of the health of the planet's DNA supply chain.

There have been five times in the Earth's history that a huge portion of species went extinct, with the first great extinction event wiping out 96% of life. Scientific evidence is mounting that we are in the throes of a sixth extinction event, this one largely driven by us (more on that in a later post). Despite the stresses we have placed on plant and animal species, we have taken action to preserve many species that are recognized as endangered. Thanks to the Endangered Species Act in the United States and similar programs around the world, plants and animals on the brink of vanishing are given a metaphorical lifeline that helps to reduce the stress on them and allows the species to recover to healthier populations. I would like to provide links that highlight some of the successes here.

White Rhinoceros

Golden Lion Tamarin

Gray Wolf

Eggert's Sunflower

Tennessee Coneflower

There are many more species that are recovering thanks to programs/management plans designed to protect species and help them propagate. The success stories are proof that humans can do good things for the environment. Biodiversity is a thing of beauty that we should work hard to protect.

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