Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our Brains vs. Environmental Challenges

This morning I was listening to the Climate One podcast that I regularly follow and found the topic very interesting. It looks at why we as humans are slow to respond the mounting evidence that our planet is undergoing chaotic climate change because of our activities. The discussion between three different authors on what was termed "Ecological Intelligence" explored ways we can change our brain habits and moral thinking in to understanding and acting on the facts we have on the threats posed to us from chaotic climate change.
The topics I have written about so far on this blog show how varied and complex the threats are from our impacts on the climate and the environment. It can be hard to process, with the mind only wanting to focus on a single issue. Despite our brain habits, climate change and ecological change are still complex, interconnected issues. Our decisions now will have significant ramifications down the line for future generations of humanity. It is therefore vital that we start seeing the challenges for what they are. Our intellect and innovation may be strong, but we still have to train our brain to deal with the facts so we can use our intellect and innovation in the correct way.

I have provided the link  above so that you may listen to the discussion on ecological intelligence as well. I encourage readers to follow the Climate One podcasts because they cover a range of environmental issues and host some great experts on these issues.

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